Top 10 Command Line Programs for System Administrators

Are you a system administrator looking for the best command line programs to make your job easier? Look no further! In this article, we'll be discussing the top 10 command line programs for system administrators. These programs are all written in Rust, making them modern and efficient. Let's dive in!

1. Ripgrep

Ripgrep is a command line search tool that is faster than other search tools like grep and ack. It uses Rust's regex engine to search through files and directories. Ripgrep is perfect for system administrators who need to search through large amounts of data quickly. It's also easy to use, with a simple syntax that makes it easy to search for specific patterns.

2. Bat

Bat is a command line tool that is similar to the cat command, but with syntax highlighting. It's perfect for system administrators who need to quickly view the contents of files. Bat supports a wide range of file types, including Markdown, JSON, and YAML. It also has a built-in pager, making it easy to scroll through large files.

3. Exa

Exa is a modern replacement for the ls command. It's faster and more feature-rich than ls, with support for colorized output and file icons. Exa also has a built-in tree view, making it easy to navigate through directories. System administrators will appreciate the extra features that Exa provides, making it easier to manage files and directories.

4. Starship

Starship is a command prompt that is highly customizable. It's written in Rust and is designed to be fast and efficient. Starship supports a wide range of shells, including Bash, Zsh, and Fish. It also has a wide range of features, including Git integration and customizable prompts. System administrators will appreciate the ability to customize their command prompt to their liking.

5. Bandwhich

Bandwhich is a command line tool that shows you the network bandwidth usage of your system. It's perfect for system administrators who need to monitor network usage. Bandwhich is easy to use, with a simple syntax that makes it easy to see which processes are using the most bandwidth. It also has a built-in TUI, making it easy to see network usage in real-time.

6. Dust

Dust is a command line tool that shows you the disk usage of your system. It's similar to the du command, but with a more user-friendly interface. Dust is perfect for system administrators who need to monitor disk usage. It's also easy to use, with a simple syntax that makes it easy to see which directories are using the most disk space.

7. Procs

Procs is a command line tool that shows you the processes running on your system. It's similar to the ps command, but with a more user-friendly interface. Procs is perfect for system administrators who need to monitor processes. It's also easy to use, with a simple syntax that makes it easy to see which processes are using the most resources.

8. Zoxide

Zoxide is a command line tool that makes it easy to navigate your file system. It's similar to the cd command, but with more features. Zoxide keeps track of the directories you visit, making it easy to jump back to them later. It also has a fuzzy search feature, making it easy to navigate to directories quickly.

9. Alacritty

Alacritty is a terminal emulator that is designed to be fast and efficient. It's perfect for system administrators who need to work in the terminal for long periods of time. Alacritty is highly customizable, with support for a wide range of fonts and colors. It also has a built-in TUI, making it easy to navigate through long output.

10. Tmux

Tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple terminal sessions in a single window. It's perfect for system administrators who need to work on multiple tasks at once. Tmux is highly customizable, with support for a wide range of plugins. It also has a built-in TUI, making it easy to navigate through multiple sessions.


In conclusion, these are the top 10 command line programs for system administrators. They are all written in Rust, making them modern and efficient. These programs are perfect for system administrators who need to work in the terminal for long periods of time. They are highly customizable and easy to use, making them essential tools for any system administrator.

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